An onlay falls between a filling and a crown on the restoration spectrum and covers part of the tooth, either one or more cusps or the whole biting surface, preserving more of its structure. A crown, sometimes referred to as a cap, encases the entire visible area of the tooth. Our Manhattan Beach dentists take a conservative approach in order to maintain the integrity of the healthy portion of a tooth and will help you decide on the type of restoration that’s best suited to your individual smile needs.
- Severe tooth decay
- Broken or fractured teeth
- Extremely worn teeth
- Restoring a tooth that has very little structure left
- Supporting a large filling
- Securing a dental bridge
- Covering a dental implant
We use Lava crowns, which are the most lifelike restorations available today. They mimic the translucency of real teeth and offer exceptional long-term stability and strength thanks to a zirconia framework. The all-ceramic crowns are matched to the shade of your smile so they look completely natural.
The crown or onlay process typically involves two appointments. At your first appointment, we numb the area with local anesthetic. We can also use sedation techniques if necessary to ensure you’re relaxed and comfortable. While you’re numb, we prepare the tooth by removing any decay and, for crowns, trimming it down. We then take extremely accurate impressions and send them to the dental lab so they can fabricate your crown or onlay. In the meantime, we place a temporary restoration.
At your second appointment, we remove the temporary filling or crown, clean your tooth and then carefully place the restoration on you making any necessary adjustments so that it looks natural, matches your tooth color and fits perfectly. When we’re ready, we permanently bond it to your tooth. You’ll care for it just as you would the rest of your teeth and we’ll work with you to make sure it lasts and you’re able to bite, chew and smile with ease.