
Cosmetic Dentistry

Common Aesthetic Dental Problems

By | Cosmetic Dentistry

If you have ever looked in the mirror, and found some problems with the smile that you saw reflected there, you are not alone. Many dental patients come to see our Manhattan Beach cosmetic dentists because they want to address aesthetic problems with their smiles. The good news is that our dental team provides the high-quality, effective cosmetic treatment that these patients need in order to love their smiles again.

Let’s learn a little bit about how different treatment options can improve the appearance of your smile.

Straighten Teeth

If you suffer from misaligned (crooked/crowded) teeth, our dental team will help you straighten and perfect your smile. You can move your natural teeth into better positions using Invisalign orthodontic treatment. Or, you could cover your misaligned teeth with customized porcelain veneers, which will effectively resurface the contours of your smile.

Whiten Teeth

Now, let’s say that you have developed some dental staining and discoloration (a very common occurrence!). Again, you can improve the appearance of your natural enamel by using professional teeth whitening treatments. If, however, these treatments are not effective on your type of dental discoloration, you can cover dull/discolored teeth with porcelain veneers. If you simply need to lighten one or two teeth, you might benefit from dental bonding (which involves our dentist applying dental resin over your tooth).

Replacing Teeth

Patients suffering from tooth loss can reclaim strong, healthy, and complete smiles by undergoing dental implant treatment. Every dental implant has a titanium root, which replaces the natural tooth root. The titanium root grounds the replacement tooth in the patient’s jawbone; our dentist then caps the titanium root with an abutment and customized dental restoration.

These are just some of the things that our dental team can accomplish using state-of-the-art dental technology. To learn more, please feel free to call our Manhattan Beach dentist office, or use the Contact Us page on our website to submit a question.

Dental Implant Care

By | Cosmetic Dentistry

Dental implants are an amazing tooth replacement that can dramatically improve your appearance and quality of life. In fact, dental implants placed by the Cosmetic Dentist Manhattan Beach, CA look and feel so much like your real teeth, that it’s easy to forget that they require some special care to guarantee maximum longevity.

A dental implant is made up of a small titanium post capped off with a dental restoration. The post is surgically placed in the jawbone and will eventually act as the base for the dental restoration. This restoration (or dental crown) is then attached to the implant and acts as the functioning part of your replacement tooth.

The implant itself is stable and will remain in place permanently, but it’s important to remember that the visible part of the unit is a dental crown. Just like any other dental restoration, the crown can be damaged if not cared for properly.

Protect Your Dental Implant From Damage

A dental implant placed by the Cosmetic Dentist Manhattan Beach, CA will last for many years. But the attached dental crown must be treated with care. You need to protect it from breakage and avoid biting down on foods like nuts or hard candies that can crack, chip, or loosen the crown. Other problems like bruxism (teeth grinding) can also compromise the integrity of the crown.

How to Clean Your Dental Implant

You can care for your dental implant by brushing and flossing normally as you would your natural teeth. Be sure to schedule regular dental exams with your dentist and cleanings with your hygienist so that your implant can be checked periodically to make sure that it is structurally sound.

Please Contact Our Office for More Information

If you have questions about your dental implant or restoration, please do not hesitate to contact our office. We will be happy to schedule an appointment to check the condition of your implant to make sure it is functioning properly.

Treatments for Common Cosmetic Dental Concerns

By | Cosmetic Dentistry

We know that not every patient who comes to our Manhattan Beach Cosmetic Dentistry office is the same. Treatments for cosmetic dental concerns need to be matched the specific patients and his or her unique needs. Fortunately there are a variety of cosmetic treatments available so that we can decide which is best for your particular case.

One of the most common complaints that we hear from dental patients is that their teeth are starting to look dark, stained, or dull. Dental discoloration can be the result of any number of issues. Environmental stains result from consuming discoloring foods or drinks, such as wine, cola, coffee, and tea. Structural changes in the tooth can also cause teeth to look darker. Over time the surface enamel of your teeth can thin, allowing more of the underlying yellowish dentin to show through.

Patients suffering from dental staining can benefit greatly from professional teeth whitening treatments. These treatments bleach dental enamel, lighten stains and refresh the appearance of teeth. If teeth whitening treatments are not successful for you, you may find that dental veneers are effective. Veneers completely cover the enamel surface, so they can mask even the darkest teeth.

Another common complaint from patients is that their teeth are crooked, misaligned, or uneven. Dental veneers can give you the appearance of a straight, seamless smile in only a few appointments. Veneers are shaped and shaded by a dentist to fit your smile, so they are sure to look natural and enhance your overall appearance.

Thanks to advances in cosmetic dentistry, there are solutions for common dental problems that are easily attainable. If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your smile, contact our Manhattan Beach Cosmetic Dentistry office. We will be happy to consult with you so that we can provide treatment options and help you decide which is best for you.

Symptoms of Dental Erosion

By | Cosmetic Dentistry

Erosion of healthy tooth enamel is becoming more and more widespread. Unfortunately, the professional team at the Manhattan Beach Cosmetic Dentistry office sees many cases where damage has progressed to the point where it cannot be corrected. This is important to remember – once dental enamel is lost due, it cannot be replaced.

What causes dental acid erosion?

Our tooth enamel protects the interior portion of our teeth and is constantly subject to damage from acidic food and drinks. Young children and adolescents tend to consume large quantities of fruit juices and other acidic beverages like energy drinks, so they are particularly vulnerable to dental erosion. Orange and apple juice may be healthy for the body but contain high levels of acid that will cause tooth enamel to erode when consumed in large quantities. Other drinks known to cause dental erosion are carbonated cola drinks and wine.

What are the symptoms of dental erosion?

You may have already experienced dental erosion without being aware of it. Some symptoms to look for are:

  • Yellowing of teeth:  The acid that we consume in certain food and drinks wears away healthy dental enamel, allowing underlying yellowish dentin becomes more noticeable.
  • Increased sensitivity:  Healthy dental enamel is a very hard substance that protects underlying tooth structure. As this enamel wears away, you may experience increased sensitivity to hot and cold foods or when visiting your dentist.
  • Changes in the shape of your teeth: Since the acid in certain foods and drinks eats away at healthy tooth enamel, the shape of your teeth can appear to change or gaps may start to form between teeth.
  • Dental fillings become more noticeable: Since dental fillings are fashioned from man-made materials, they will not be impacted to the same extent as dental enamel. This causes fillings to become more noticeable as surrounding dental enamel deteriorates.

If you are concerned about the appearance of your teeth, the Manhattan Beach Cosmetic Dentistry office provides cosmetic alternatives like porcelain veneers that beautifully disguise the effects of dental erosion. Contact our office for a free consultation so we can explain the best ways for you to preserve healthy tooth enamel and cosmetically correct teeth that may already be damaged.

Cosmetic Dentistry Health Benefits

By | Cosmetic Dentistry

Are you less than happy with the appearance of your smile? Do you shy away from business situations and social interactions because you’re self conscious about your appearance? You may be surprised to learn that many issues you think are purely cosmetic can also have an impact on your overall oral health.

Teeth that are cracked, decayed, missing, or incorrectly aligned not only mar your appearance and make you self-conscious, but they can lead to a variety of other problems including periodontal disease, jaw pain, and difficulty with chewing. Cosmetic dentistry can correct these issues, restoring your oral health and beautiful smile.

Cosmetic Dental Solutions

At Manhattan Beach Cosmetic Dentist we understand that every patient’s needs are unique. When you visit our office, we will work closely with you to find the solution that is right for you, correcting potentially harmful dental issues and giving you a smile you can be proud of.

Cosmetic dentistry offers several solutions for perfecting your smile:

  • Porcelain Veneers can cover discolored teeth and correct problems like uneven spacing, gaps, and crooked teeth
  • Dental Implants can be used to replace missing teeth and offer additional support against shifting teeth and jaw collapse
  • Porcelain Crowns offer a strong, aesthetically pleasing solution for patients with cracked or chipped teeth
  • Tooth-Colored Fillings prevent further decay while appearing natural, unlike amalgam fillings
  • Tooth Bonding corrects the appearance of broken, misaligned, or crooked teeth

There are almost unlimited options for creating a smile you can be proud of. In addition to correcting potential dental problems and ensuring your overall oral health, The Manhattan Beach General Cosmetic Dentist offers a wide range of cosmetic services from basic teeth whitening to more complex procedures such as dental implants. This combination of sound general dentistry combined with cosmetic dentistry offers a solution for every smile.

Benefits of Lumineers

By | Cosmetic Dentistry

If you are unhappy with the cosmetic appearance of your teeth Lumineers® may be the perfect option for you. These ultra-thin shells fit perfectly over the teeth, making them look cosmetically perfect. You know how dull, discolored teeth or a crooked smile can affect your confidence.  Lumineers® are an excellent option for patients who desire a beautiful smile without surgery, harsh chemicals or painful treatments.

Unlike dental veneers, Lumineers® applied by your Manhattan Beach Cosmetic Dentistry can be left in place for over 20 years or removed upon request to expose the original, intact teeth.  Lumineers® can be fitted in just two appointments, and instantly add pizzazz to the smile.

Here are some of the problems that Lumineers® can solve:

  • Large gaps between teeth.
  • Misaligned teeth or misshapen teeth
  • Stained teeth.
  • Uneven gums and teeth.
  • Unnatural looking bridges and crowns.

How can Lumineers® benefit me?

One of the greatest advantages of using Lumineers® is that they are ultra-thin – about the thickness of a contact lens – and no painful alterations of your natural teeth are required prior to application.  Injections of local anesthetic are unnecessary because no drilling is required, and the entire application can be completed in two visits. Lumineers® will last over 20 years with proper care but are removable since healthy tooth structure is not affected.

How are Lumineers® applied?

During the first visit to Manhattan Beach Cosmetic Dentist Office, we will thoroughly examine your teeth to ensure that no tooth decay or gum disease is present. Molds (or impressions) and X-rays are then taken to determine your bite. Working with you, we will choose the color of the Lumineers® and the desired level of transparency.  The bite impressions are sent to the laboratory to be custom-crafted.

The Lumineers® are bonded to your teeth at the second appointment. Once the Lumineers® are in place we polish them until they are completely smooth.  This smooth surface helps repel bacteria and staining agents, leaving you with a healthy, beautiful smile that will last for many years to come!

Strength of Porcelain Veneers

By | Cosmetic Dentistry

When researching solutions in cosmetic dentistry it’s obviously important to choose a material that is not only functional for daily use and maintenance, but it must also be natural looking. Porcelain is one such material as it mimics the appearance and strength of dental enamel and has become the choice today for many patients when choosing veneers at Manhattan Beach Cosmetic Dentistry. Porcelain veneers offer a solution for a variety of cosmetic problems, and they can virtually transform a smile in only a few appointments.

If you are affected by any of these issues –

  • Cracked/chipped dental enamel
  • Misaligned teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Dark or stained enamel
  • Pitted/grooved teeth

– Porcelain veneers can be successfully used to correct the problem and many others, and may be the solution for you.

Why Choose Veneers?

There are so many cosmetic options available today and many patients want more information and may wonder why choosing veneers rather than another procedure makes sense. The truth is that you should weigh all of your potential options to make the right decision for your specific situation. The primary benefit of porcelain veneers, however, is that they’ll blend with your natural teeth since they closely replicate natural dental enamel so.


Porcelain reflects and absorbs light similarly to natural enamel and is used for a number of cosmetic solutions. It can be shaped and shaded to fit your natural tooth coloring and is resistant to staining because of its smooth glasslike finish. That same quality keeps them from looking dull or flat and retains its white, bright appearance for years.


Porcelain is often thought to be a fragile material but Manhattan Beach, CA Cosmetic Dentist, knows that it is actually quite strong when used in dental applications. Porcelain veneers don’t put unnecessary strain on neighboring teeth and patients can chew normally and follow their normal routine of oral hygiene. Porcelain is an ideal material for dental restorations and so is popular with dentists and patients alike and will keep you smiling for many years to come.

How to Maintain a Healthy Smile as You Age

By | Cosmetic Dentistry

Our bodies and our health change with age, a fact of which we all become aware. You may not realize, however, that your teeth are also affected by the passing of years. Maybe you’ve found that you have a harder time keeping your teeth shiny and white as you get older. Even though you’re following the same brushing and flossing routine, it may no longer have the desired effect of maintaining your youthful smile. Perhaps over-the-counter whitening treatments are not removing stains as they once did.

At Manhattan Beach Cosmetic Dentist we find many patients who don’t understand why their teeth are becoming duller and harder to whiten. There are actually a number of reasons dental enamel can change in appearance over the years. Environmental factors contribute to some extent but more often this dulling is part of the natural aging process.

You can remove some stains on the surface of dental enamel with regular flossing and brushing. These stains are often caused by discoloring foods and drinks such as soda, coffee, tea, and red wine which can all leave stains on teeth. Using tobacco products especially can also make enamel appear dark, dull, and discolored. When they are relatively new, these stains can often be removed or effectively bleached away, but will eventually seep into porous enamel, making them difficult to remove.

The teeth of a young person are covered with a thick layer of white enamel, concealing the inner core of the tooth. As you age, this enamel begins to erode, exposing more of the dentin beneath the surface. Dentin is naturally a darker, yellow color so older teeth often appear dull and yellow in comparison to healthy new teeth.

Different teeth whitening options are available depending on your cosmetic goals, the extent of discoloration, and urgency with which you need to see results. There are patients who respond well to professional teeth bleaching treatments developed to lighten discoloration using a solution of hydrogen peroxide. Dental veneers, which completely resurface enamel using thin layers of porcelain, may be a better option for patients with extensive or resistant staining.

It’s impossible to eliminate all dental staining. Your teeth will naturally change appearance and lose some of their luster over time in addition to accumulating environmental stains. But today’s modern cosmetic dentistry can restore the bright and luminous nature of your teeth, resulting in a more youthful looking smile. Call Manhattan Beach Cosmetic Dentistry today to learn more about teeth whitening options or to discuss your situation in greater detail.